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Saturday in June - 12?

This year's graduation was today - and mine was a year ago. OK, that's said. And this is my last weekend in A____ for a while. Why does no one believe I'm going for as long as I can - for more than a vacation? I don't think I'll fail - I'll manage. But will I find things I like? What do I want to like? I like it here. Ibbi bib. The young impressions of a young girl. Dot dot dot.

The house is friendly again - 3 wks without electricity. I stayed at B's - my room is crusted in wax. Now, of course, the TV is on. Silly Sat. night live. Rahhhahhar.

D has been so hard to take - we talked and she chalked it up to spiritual trauma. Maybe so, but I think she has enough aplomb not to succumb - to smoth things over socially. It's so weak to release that kind of worry into unstoppable drinking - stupid drinking and fake glamor.

Nothing exhilarating has happened in so long - at least not on my own. One night when everyone was gone out of town I went to see L___ T_____ at the new club, the big one. I wore a black slip and a long white scarf/stole/veil/shawl that did things by itself. Davy and I went to Dunkin Donuts after - he in full black leather fag regalia real fun date. Appearances aside, too. Good times w/ M while others were gone. Lots of restaurants, and Chase St. bus, and being together. The Road Warrior/Search for Petrol.

I guess I'll never be one he gasps over - I can't believe he has a crush on D - it seems he'd know her better than that.

to be continued

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